Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Connecting Azure Cosmos DB’s API for MongoDB using MuleSoft’s MongoDB Connector

This article is not going to discuss more on Cosmos DB. For any information on Cosmos DB you can refer Microsoft’s website Microsoft has provided pretty much everything needed for building solutions for connecting to Cosmos DB. Targeted audience:Any MuleSoft…

Working with Object Store

Working with Object Store Connector in Mule: Testing in CloudHub

In my previous article, I have discussed about ObjectStore and operations on ObjectStore using Object Store Connector with a simple Mule application. Also, tested the flows to check the operations: Store, Remove, Retrieve and Retrieve all keys. Requirements for this…

Working with Object Store Connector

Working with Object Store Connector in Mule

Object Store Connector is one of the most useful connectors provided in Mule runtime that is used for storing the state of the applications and can be shared across the applications (If Domain project is used for sharing the state…