What is NoSQL? Data is everywhere. It is getting generated as the number of systems/softwares are increasing. It increases with number of customers and expansion of businesses. More da ta needs to be easily retrieved/updated/created without affecting the systems and…
Author: Akkiraju Ivaturi
A first look on Inverted Index
Article context: Azure Search Service that indexes a document and provides features like Synonyms, Spelling Corrections and Facets. Azure Search Service stores the data in the form of documents (in JSON format) and will manages multiple indexes to retrieve data…
Working with Object Store Connector in Mule: Testing in CloudHub
In my previous article, I have discussed about ObjectStore and operations on ObjectStore using Object Store Connector with a simple Mule application. Also, tested the flows to check the operations: Store, Remove, Retrieve and Retrieve all keys. Requirements for this…
Working with Object Store Connector in Mule
Object Store Connector is one of the most useful connectors provided in Mule runtime that is used for storing the state of the applications and can be shared across the applications (If Domain project is used for sharing the state…
MuleSoft Champions
No introduction is needed for MuleSoft. Everyone in the integration world is very familiar with this company and its products. I have heard many companies implementing MuleSoft’s Products already or transitioning from other Products to MuleSoft’s. So, if you ask…
Displaying data using Power BI dashboard
In the previous article I have discussed about how to send the logging from Azure Event Hub to a SQL database using Stream Analytics. In this article, I am going to discuss on how to utilize the data to generate…
Adding custom Logging in the Policies for the API using Event Hub
In the previous article, I have explained how we can manage the Web API using Azure API Management. In this article, I would be discussing about adding custom logging for the API using event hub. You can add custom logging…
Manage the Web API using AZURE API Management
In my previous article I have discussed about deploying Web API application into AZURE using Azure Web Deploy. In this article, I am going to discuss about managing the Web API using Azure API Management. Login into the Azure Portal and…